Recognize, Respond, Respond: Ethical Considerations for Mandated Reporting for Adult Protection
Presentation Description:
Every day, professionals have the potential to encounter difficult situations which may challenge our ethics and require specific, thoughtful decisions to be made. This training is designed to first provide a general understanding of potential abuse and neglect situations which vulnerable adults and the elderly may experience. Participants will be able to confidently identify these issues through either observation or disclosure in the field. Next, learners will gain an understanding of how to document and report such instances of abuse or neglect. In the U.S., 49 states have passed laws requiring certain individuals to make a mandated report should they suspect abuse or neglect of elderly or vulnerable adults. This training will introduce learners to mandating reporting including who is a mandated reporter, where and when to report and what information is needed to make a thorough report. When making a mandated report, there is always the potential for challenging situations to arise. In this training, participants will gain an understanding of potential ethical and or challenging situations to be proactive professionals. Ethical considerations discussed, for example, will be the impact on the reporter and client’s relationship, duplicate reporting, and conflicting employer policies. Learners will gain specific strategies including a documented line of decision making when working in these situations while continuing to meet mandated reporter requirements. Materials and hand outs will be provided so learners can implement these strategies confidently and efficiently when returning to their own agency.
Learning Objectives:
Understand how to effectively make a report.
Be able to talk responsibly about concerns you may have for maltreatment.
Understand the potential barriers and ethical considerations in mandated reporting.
Be able to use a documented line of decision making when considering ethical issues.