Children’s Memory and Suggestibility: How Much Do You Really Know?

Workshop Description:  

How much do you really know about children’s memory and suggestibility? Often the answer to this question is not as much as I thought! If that is your answer, you’re in luck! This training will provide you with both practice-informed and research-based information to increase your expertise and understanding of how children’s memory typically works as well as the potential for suggestibility. Following this training, learners will be able to confidently speak to the topic as well as increase their ability to conduct defendable, skilled investigations. It is equally important to be able to speak to common memory and suggestibility issues once a case moves to the court room as this is a commonly used method of defense. Based on real-life experience and research, participants will learn proven strategies to incorporate this knowledge in testimony to increase positive case outcomes. 

Learning Objectives:  

  • Based on research and being practice-informed, participants will gain an understanding of the complexities of children’s memory and potential suggestibility. 

  • Learn practical strategies related to memory and suggestibility to incorporate in order to ensure investigations are conducted in a skilled, defendable manner. 

  • Increase expertise when testifying to common themes related to children’s memory and potential suggestibility.