Forensic Interviewing in Drug Endangered Children Cases


Forensic interviewing is now a well-established, research-based practice when listening to individuals who may have experienced abuse or neglect. However, often cases involving drug endangered children are overlooked when scheduling forensic interviews. With the increased risks and challenges these cases pose including comorbid victimizations, children who are identified as drug endangered children are at increased need for person-centered, forensically sound and semi-structured forensic interviews. Due to the complexities, these forensic interviews can be more challenging than those with a single incident of abuse. Therefore, it is important for learners to be trained in specific techniques to be successful. This training will encompass not only forensic interviewing skills but also guidance on advocating with your team to provide the most collaborative, effective not only in the forensic interview but also in advocating with your team to ensure children receive Creative case work, based on professional experiences, will be provided as well.


  • Understand the unique dynamics children experience when drug endangered.

  • Learn specific techniques to employ during forensic interviews to provide the best possible opportunity to listen to the child.

  • Learn techniques to collaborate with the Multi Disciplinary Team in order to provide person-centered, semi-structured and forensically sound forensic interviews and case work.

  • Gain an understanding of the most recent research on drug endangered children.