Technology and Digital Devices in the Lives of Youth

Technology is a huge part in the daily lives of youth. Not only are they reliant on digital devices for socializing, entertainment and connection, but technology is incorporated into every aspect of school and potentially a part-time job. Balancing the positive benefits of screen time with the potential risks is imperative for youth. Teens will learn about the importance of making healthy choices online. Online risks and dangers will be discussed so youth are aware of behavior that should trigger warning flags. Risky behaviors of peers, including sexting and on-line harassment will be covered. The presentation also talks about positive ways that technology can be used to advocate for each other. This training is designed to empower youth and provide tools to make healthy decisions as they gain independence. Most importantly, this interactive conversation allows youth to share their insight and expertise.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss current uses of technology and digital devices including impact of screen time.

  • Recognize potential risks and consequences of on-line use.

  • Identify resources and methods to advocate, support and create a positive profile.

  • Present opportunities for youth to share their knowledge and understanding.