Coaching & Contamination

While Coaching and Contamination are often referred to collectively, they are separate concepts – although either may potentially affect the information reported by an individual in the context of an investigation. While not ideal, the presence of coaching or contamination need not be a reason to panic, or to assume that there is no possibility for the individual to report credibly and accurately.  This presentation will provide information relevant to forensic interviewers, investigators, and other members of the multidisciplinary team for building understanding of these concepts- not only to be aware of potential impacts on an individual’s report, but also to recognize options to mitigate barriers, and to maximize the individual’s opportunity to share about their experiences.  



  • Define the concepts of coaching and contamination and identify examples of each. 

  • Recognize possible indicators that external factors of coaching or of contamination may be present and consider how these may impact the individual, the investigation, or the forensic interview.  

  • Consider biases or assumptions regarding coaching or contamination.  

  • Apply strategies and approaches that can be implemented in the forensic interview.  

  • Engage a multidisciplinary perspective and approach for minimizing/preventing and responding to potential coaching or contamination throughout the investigation.