What are Those People Doing and Why Won’t They Tell Me: Understanding Abuse Investigations for Non-Investigative Professionals


Mental health providers, educators, and other non-investigative professionals often work with children who are identified as, or alleged to be, victims of abuse; involvement with such clients may occur before, during, or after a child’s disclosure of sexual, physical, or other abuse.  As the roles of such professionals would not typically include participation in the investigative process itself, non-investigative professionals may have limited knowledge of the components involved in investigation of an allegation of child abuse. This session is designed to provide an overview of the investigative process for the non-investigative professional.  Participants will learn what may be involved in the process of investigating a report of child abuse; will gain information regarding the purpose and process of the forensic interview; and will be provided the opportunity to explore their role in supporting the investigative process.  As a former therapist and current forensic interviewer, the presenter will provide practice examples and an opportunity for discussion based upon knowledge and experience from these two perspectives. 


Educational Objectives: 

By the end of this session, participants will: 

  • Possess a basic understanding of the investigative process in cases of child sexual abuse and other abuse 

  • Obtain insight into the unique function of the forensic interview as a component of the investigative process 

  • Recognize how the non-investigative professional can support the investigative process, and develop strategies to avoid unintentionally hindering the investigative process